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IBPlugin Version 1502

Changes of new version:

  • Bugfix: ibgORDER_CLOSE now works runtime persisten.  (Attention: This function can be executed multiple times. IBPlugin does not mind, if you call this function already for a specific order. It just executes an opposite order to the original order and minds allocation.
  • Correction of MetaTrader 4/5 examples: For FA Accounts,  call of ibgCREATE_ALLOCATION is after ibgCONNECT, which is the correct order.
  • ibgWAIT_FOR… – Functions independent from connection ID.
  • New Function: ibgWAIT_FOR_CANCELLED. Wait for cancelled state.
  • New Function: ibgWAIT_FOR_SUBMITTED_MULTI: Wait forsubmitted or filled status of multiple orders.
  • New Function: ibgWAIT_FOR_FILLED_MULTI:
  • Wait for filled status of multiple orders.
  • New Function: ibgWAIT_FOR_CANCELLED_MULTI:
  • Wait for cancelled status of multiple orders.


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