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MTIB Order Kopierer neue Version:

  • Unmap expired contracts: This function is linked to a button on contract page. It unmaps all expired contracts, so you can assign their mapped MetaTrader Symbol to newer contracts.
  • Selective order copy: This applies for ib_order_copy: An option has been added: ‘Copy MKT orders only’. If this is enabled, pending orders are ignored
    and only when a position is opened, the MKT for this is copied. You can also disable to copy SL and TP, by set -1 for Default Target Pips and Default Stoploss Pips in Setup / Misc. Settings.
    So the copier only takes action when positions in MT changes. Optional you can also Make a position sync before start copy This is first param of ib_order_copy.
  • Attention for Position Sync.: There seem to be problems with live accounts. It can happen, in particular, when ordersizes too low,
    that positions get accumulated. In any case make sure, that position differences are aboves IBKR minimum. Also consider to enable Account Protection. But it is recommended, not to use position sync.
    As an alternative, you can use ib_order_copy with the new option to copy only positions and even to ignore SL and TP provided by MetaTrader.