Will free TWS-Link be updated over time if it stops working?

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Will free TWS-Link be updated over time if it stops working?

Post by Rocket130713 »


Will TWS-Link Free (offline) FA version be updated over time if it stops working due to using it on Windows 11, Windows 12, Windows 13 x64, etc. in the future?

What happens if TWS-Link stops working due to using it with new versions and builds of the TWS trading platform?

What happens if TWS-Link stops working due to changes in the Interactive Brokers API, in this case would you fix TWS-Link to get it working with the new IB API?

We ask these questions as we are a fund manager business that uses and "relies" on TWS-Link to do automated algo trading for our clients.

Look forward to your reply.

Thank you in advance.



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Re: Will free TWS-Link be updated over time if it stops working?

Post by board_admin »

if it should stop working , we will fix this but don't provide any additional feature to the user interface.
Just make the protocol in line with requirements.

Example: Assume there is a new order property introduced. IB will support this in its latest API draft and latest TWS will support this as well.
If you connect with TWSLink to this latest TWS, it could be that the order commands fails and TWS closes API connection
(which is the typical answer on protocol error). We would then support this property internally but don't make it accessible from user interface.
Just for making TWSLink work again.

(But normally, IB makes such extensions optional, shall mean, the new property is only required when using new or latest TWS. So TWSLink does not need any adjustments.)

To avoid such possible but unlikely protocol errors, always use IBs current stable TWS version, which implements the current stable API.
The last stable is simply called "Offline TWS" and can be found on this site

https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/i ... s-software

in the lower right. So not the latest offline, just the offline.

If i remember correctly, the prev. stable version was 963 and was state or art for ~ 1.5 years!

TWSLink works with current stable offline 972.

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