What DLL functions are available in IB-Plugin?

IBPlugin is further development of TWSLink.It is focused for the useage with MetaTrader. But as it is a DLL, you can use it everywhere on Windows which supports DLL, e.g. in Trade Station or C++ applications or make wrapper for Perl, Python etc.

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What DLL functions are available in IB-Plugin?

Post by Zebra25 »

Dear Sir/Madam,

We have been using TWS-Link for many years with Interactive Brokers (and TradeStation platform) to do automated futures trading.

We are considering upgrading to IB-Plugin but we need IB-Plugin to provide the same DLL functions as TWS-Link?

The TWS-Link functions we are currently using are as follows:


DefineDLLFunc: "TWSLINK2.DLL",int,"PLACE_ORDER",int,int,LPSTR,LPSTR,int,double,double,LPSTR,int,int;


DefineDLLFunc: "TWSLINK2.DLL",int,"CANCEL_ORDER",int,int,LPSTR,int,LPSTR;



DefineDLLFunc: "TWSLINK2.DLL",int,"CONNECT",LPSTR,int,int,int;


Are the above eight (8) TWS-Link DLL functions also offered in IB-Plugin?

Look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

Rod Fraser

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Re: What DLL functions are available in IB-Plugin?

Post by board_admin »

Best TS/MC tutorial for using IBPlugin is the video discussing example:
https://youtu.be/lH3GE_pDm48?list=PLYD3 ... dcECuxa954

Find the example attached (which is also installed along with IBPlugin)

no longer required. As contract id you are using the IBKR conid (unique contract id).

ibgORDER_SEND (int connid, int uidc, string action, string otype,int size,double price, double stplmt,double stoploss,double takeprofit, string comment,int id_allocation)
ibgORDER_SEND_STR(int connid, int uidc, __int64 uid, string order_attrib_list, int id_allocation)

Note: both functions return a 64 signed integer. This could be a problem in TS/MC.
Use a double instead. In my example this seem to work.

int allocid=ibgCREATE_ALLOCATION (int connid, string alloc_type,string alloc_name, string alloc_method, string percentage);
Use the returned id in ibgORDER_SEND...


double __stdcall ibgACCOUNT_INFO (int connid,int idinfo, string account_list);
(mind example: make a snapshot, then cycle over values)

double __stdcall ibgPORTFOLIO_INFO(int connid, int uidc, int idportval, string account_list,int aggregate_unsigned);
(mind example: make a snapshot, then cycle over values)

int __stdcall ibgCONNECT (int connid,string ip,int port,int clientid, int nbr_channels,int timeout);

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