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Contract database remove MT symbols and stop updating

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2022 6:28 pm
by MTM
hello, I am having problem with some of the MT symbols that are removed from the contract database when MTIB copier is restarted.

When I add the MT Symbols the contract.db file in the api folder do not update (the last modified time do not change from 12:29 despite I am modifying the symbols at 19:00 hours) and if I close the copier and restart it the symbols disappear again.

Why is this happening? How can I solve the issue?

Please help

Thank you

Regarding my post above, I believe that I managed to sort the issue with some MT symbols missing from the contract database once the MTIB copier is stopped and restarted.

I open the contract.db file with SQLite and compiled the missing info for the MT symbols (plus other parameters that were missing in other instruments) and removed all the contracts not in use. This were all the contract deleted virtually every time the copier was started.

Reload the new contract database in the copier and all contracts and MT symbols are there.

Is this a good way of going around the issue when the copier, for whatever reason, doesn't seem to build a correct database?
Is there something corrupt in the files that I should be aware of?

Thank you for your help

Re: Contract database remove MT symbols and stop updating

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2022 1:13 pm
by board_admin
You should not write in the database.
Perhaps the MT symbol you like to add, was dublicate?
It must be unique.