TWS-Link "GET_EXCHANGE_RATE" function not working??
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:28 am
In TradeStation 9.1 Easy-Language script I'm calling TWS-Link function as follows: Cbl = GET_EXCHANGE_RATE("GBP","USD"); but it does not work and always returns a zero (0.00) number. Our master and sub-accounts are in Australian dollars i.e AUDUSD, if this matters?. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong regarding how to code this? Should I be calling some other TWS-Link function in the line of code immediately above the GET_EXCHANGE_RATE function to get it to work and return a value equal to the GBPUSD exchange rate e.g. 1.40306?
Many thanks in advance. Kind regards, Rod
In TradeStation 9.1 Easy-Language script I'm calling TWS-Link function as follows: Cbl = GET_EXCHANGE_RATE("GBP","USD"); but it does not work and always returns a zero (0.00) number. Our master and sub-accounts are in Australian dollars i.e AUDUSD, if this matters?. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong regarding how to code this? Should I be calling some other TWS-Link function in the line of code immediately above the GET_EXCHANGE_RATE function to get it to work and return a value equal to the GBPUSD exchange rate e.g. 1.40306?
Many thanks in advance. Kind regards, Rod