TWS-Link "GET_EXCHANGE_RATE" function not working??

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TWS-Link "GET_EXCHANGE_RATE" function not working??

Post by Rocket130713 »


In TradeStation 9.1 Easy-Language script I'm calling TWS-Link function as follows: Cbl = GET_EXCHANGE_RATE("GBP","USD"); but it does not work and always returns a zero (0.00) number. Our master and sub-accounts are in Australian dollars i.e AUDUSD, if this matters?. Could you please tell me what I am doing wrong regarding how to code this? Should I be calling some other TWS-Link function in the line of code immediately above the GET_EXCHANGE_RATE function to get it to work and return a value equal to the GBPUSD exchange rate e.g. 1.40306?

Many thanks in advance. Kind regards, Rod

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Re: TWS-Link "GET_EXCHANGE_RATE" function not working??

Post by board_admin »

The exchange rates are part of account information when you have cash positions in non base currencies.
So you get only exchange rates among currencies which are listed in your account .

Also, in order receive exchange rates at all, you need full account value subscriptions. So not off and not summary.

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